Monday, September 1, 2008

Wii Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

While wandering around his home of Diamond City, Wario stumbles into an old building called cheap sony games Temple of Form. Inside, he finds a mystical treasure called the Form Baton. Legend has it that if the holder follows the forms, he can overcome any challenge. With this discovery, the form craze spreads through Diamond City, and soon everybody is doing their best to master the moves. Sticking to the traditional WarioWare style of play, players can use 20 unique applications of the Wii Remote to chop barrels, turn levers, run races and more.
Customer Review: easily bored
Although I got rave reviews from a friend who said they were laughing so hard playing this, they almost wet their pants, I find it a bit boring. As I don't personally like to watch cartoons of any kind, I hate having to watch the little story boards that can't be skipped by to get to the actual game parts. I am having friends over this weekend and we are going to play this with other Wii games, so maybe I'll change my mind. BUT.... for now, it only holds my attention for about 15 minutes.
Customer Review: Fun for parties! Adults or kids
I had a house full of friends (26yrs - 31yrs old) who all came over so we could meet up and go to a party one night. Instead of wanting to go to the party, everyone ended up staying at my house until 3am playing this game. It is crazy fun with a group of people! My kids love it, too. What is Wario Smooth Moves? It's just a bunch of timed, totally random & weird tasks ~ like drinking a glass of water without spilling it, using a fan to blow a giant robot off a cliff or mimicking the game's dancers without missing a beat. Have a camera handy...

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